Progwhiz Hex Editor 112 APK
Progwhiz Solutions
Latest Version:
Publish Date:
Jul 10 2024
Progwhiz Hex Editor
Progwhiz Hex editor offers all the features of powerful desktop editors and more:FeaturesText Search/Replace Hex Search/Replace Text wildcard Search & Replace e.g. HEL? would find all words that begin with "HEL" e.g. HE?P would find all words that begin with "HE" and end with P Hex Pattern Wildcard Search & Replace e.g. 55??AA would find all Hex patterns that start with 55 then an unknown hex value followed by AAe.g. 55??AA??BB would find all Hex patterns that start with 55 then an unknown hex value followed by AA, then an unknown hex value followed by BBHex Pattern Wildcard Search & Replace e.g. 55??AA would find all Hex patterns that start with 55 then an unknown hex value followed by AAe.g. 55??AA??BB would find all Hex patterns that start with 55 then an unknown hex value followed by AA, then an unknown hex value followed by BB-==NEW==-** The Hex wildcard now supports 4Bit hence two(2) '??' Is required to represent one 8Bit hex unknown **
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3.2 or higher+
Progwhiz Hex Editor APK Version History
- Progwhiz Hex Editor 112 for Android 3.2 or higher APK Download
Version : 112 for Android 3.2 or higher
Update on : 2024-07-10